Korach: Accepting Torah Leadership
Behaloscha: The Light of the Soul
Naso: It’s Not Too Late
Bamidbar: The Torah is For Everyone
Bechukosai: Protecting Those Within the Fold
Behar: Letting Go of All Personal Calculations
Kedoshim: Achieving Holiness by Being Connected to Our Ancestors
Acharei, Shabbos Hagodol: The Purpose of Splitting the Sea
Metzora: The Cry of the Neshama
Tazria, Shabbos Hachodesh: Attaining Purity
Shemini: Completing Creation
Tzav, Shabbos Zachor: There’s Always Hope for Return
Pikudei: Serving Hashem with Fervor
Tetzavah: Building a Home for Hashem
Truma: Serving Hashem with Body and Soul
Mishpatim: Preparing For Shabbos
Yisro: Taking the Torah’s Commandments to Heart
Beshalach: Hashem’s Enduring Love for Every Jew
Bo: Promise Fulfilled
Va’eira: The Unconquerable Pintelle Yid