Pesach: The Power of our Faith
Shavuos: Transforming Judgment into Mercy
Tzav, Shabbos Zachor: There Is Always Hope for Return
Toldos: How much is my share in Olam Habbah worth?
Chaya Sara: Serving Hashem with the Strengths of Youth and Old Age
Vayeira: Protection from Sin
Shavuos: Why The Jewish People Overslept
Behaloscha: The Light of the Soul
Naso: Blessing and Protection
Behar-Bechukosai: A Proper Place for Pride
Emor: A Light for the Ages
Achrei Mos-Kedoshim: Becoming Closer to Hashem
Tazria-Metzora: A Blessing In Disguise
Shemini: Praying With A Purpose
Tzav, Shabbos Hagadol: The Greatness of Doing Chesed
Vayikrah: Shabbos - A Day of Rest
Vayakhel-Pikudei, Shabbos Parah: Using All Our Talents For Hashem
Tetzava, Shabbos Zachor: The Obligation to Remember
Teruma: Repentance Through Torah Learning
Beshalach: Miracles In Our Times